Thursday, September 26, 2013

Vienna - Billy Joel

I much debated whether or not to put the lyrics of this song in my post. I feel like not everyone is able to do justice to the words of a song when they're just reading it, and I definitely did not want that to happen to this song because I have been listening to it a lot during this past week, and I hold it close to heart.
If it's already playing in the background as you're reading these lines, please go back and listen to it again once you're done reading this post.
A big part of the reason why this song resonated so much with me is because I feel like he's talking to me with each line. Perhaps I have been able to "slow down" as he suggests in the first two words of the song in comparison to my old self, but there is definitely still a lot of room for improvement.
For example, I have so many ideas, interests, and goals that sometimes it feels like there aren't enough minutes in an hour, hours in a day, days in a year, and years in life to fulfil, accomplish and achieve all of them.
I've been actively trying to calm myself down, get away from the craziness on campus and clear my mind, and among everything that's going on around me, Billy Joel brings me back to my senses, and gives me a great reality check with the click of a button on my laptop or phone.

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